❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

πŸ’₯ New Moon - Powerful Mutative Energy Coming in April

42nd new moon transit Apr 11, 2021

New Moon - Mutative Energy

As you can see, the new moon chart has a lot of definition (color) through two powerful mutative channels.

Pluto (60) meets Venus (3) to create the Channel of Mutation. Mars ( 12) meets Neptune (22) to create the channel of Openness.


What Does it Mean?

This month promises change. This is deep mutative inner change that we don't necessarily see in the external world - yet!  The realm of 3D time and space has to catch up. 

Remember that all the change we see in the world is actually coming from inside each one of us.

We may not see the change but we will definitely feel it. You may feel a little bit melancholic this month - before you go to the drug store - remember that this is the chemistry that indicates you are going through your own mutation. This can take the form of spikes in your body temperature for no apparent reason.

I talk more about this in my 6 hr 2027 Solar Plexus Mutation Webinar.

You also have the potential to mutate your...

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New Moon - Ready for a Rebirth?

49th gate new moon Feb 10, 2021

Happy New Moon!

The New Moon is in the 49th Gate - the Gate of Revolution.


Revolution is one of the major themes of 2021. (I presented a 4hr 2021 webinar on it back in Dec)

What Does it Mean Collectively?

Remember that the Full Moon energy (Jan 28) was lighting up the 19th gate - Shadow of Co-dependence? Letting go of our dependencies on something outside of ourselves whether that be relationships, addictions or outside authorities. Basically anything other than the Divine.

The Gate of Revolution (49) says that the collective be cautious of Tribal Leaders promises of security and survival in exchange for our obedience to new rules and regulations that may or may not be correct for us as individuals. You must determine that for yourself through prayer and meditation.

What Does it Mean Individually?

No Real Transformation happens without the fuel of Emotion.

Notice how the 49 sits in the Solar Plexus - the seat of our emotions?

This moon cycle can be very emotional!

To work...

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New Moon - Revealing What Is Hidden

41st gate 61stgate new moon Jan 08, 2021

Sat Nam, Aloha!

Have you noticed that 2021 is just an extend-a- mix of 2020?  It's because the energies of the NEW Year haven't started yet!  The 41st Gate rules New Beginnings and the Sun moves there on January 21, 2021. We have two more weeks of sloughing off the energies of 2020.

The Sun, Moon join Pluto in the  61st Gate on Jan 12, 2021. The theme is the relentless search for Truth. Now more than ever there is so much deception and lies that it is challenging to know what is true and what is false.

Pluto has been relentlessly working on unearthing the Truth since October 24th, 2020.  Now the Sun and Moon join in to add more energy to this search.

Be aware that Pluto will be 61 - 5th line of Influence. This means that we will be looking to others for the Truth. This is dangerous to give your power away in this way.

Truth can only be discovered from within.  Remember that Truth is not about facts and figures - it's a Frequency. Your greatest lie detector...

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Good Signs Ahead - New Moon Dec 14th

This is an important New Moon for 2020! The moon sits in the 11th hexagram which correlates to the Galactic Center.

Watch or listen to the video to learn more about this transit and how it impact us as a humanity.



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Good news - New Moon - Act on your Divine Insights

deafness insights new moon Nov 07, 2020

Mars Goes Direct 

Mars rules our motivation and willpower. Mars has been retrograde since Sept 9th which affects our ability to take action on our intentions. Mars is going direct one day before the New Moon on Nov 13th, 2020.  This means that things will start moving again.

Questions to take into Prayer or Meditation

What have you been angry about since September?

Where have you become more fortified in your life?

What has dropped away?

How do you want to use your willpower? 

What are you being called by God to initiate?

New Moon in Scorpio in the Shadow of Deafness and the Gift of Insight 

The new moon on Nov 14, 2020 gives us some good news. There will be divine insights coming to you through flashes, dreams and inspirations.

The shadow of deafness can block you from accessing these insights.  Deafness creates a noisy, worrying and opinionated mind. 

The best way to manage this lower frequency energy is to create an environment that...

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🌞 New Moon - What's Coming with You into the Next Chapter ?

32nd gk failure new moon Oct 16, 2020

Happy New Moon!

This New Moon is in the Shadow of Failure and the Gift of Preservation. 

The Shadow of Failure can be rooted back to our Educational System that judges our performance on the basis of conformity rather than our uniqueness.

In the spiritual world there is no such thing as failure only learning and growing. 

The fear of failure keeps us from taking risks and moving past our comfort zone. The real failure is to fail to stay in our hearts through this time of great change. 

The question on the table is, "What are you bringing into this next chapter of your life?" 

What needs to be preserved? What has life energy? What is dying in your life?

Check out my short video (12 Mins)  that I recorded in a forest on Maui.

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New Moon in the Shadow of Half - Heartedness - Time to Commit

I pray that you are well and living in Trust and Faith in God during this time of great transition into the New World.

What's Your Spiritual Work?

Remember that your Spiritual Work right now is to Awaken. This is unique to each person because it's an inside job!

These collective shadows that we see out in the external world such as greed, corruption, oppression, fantasy, deception and addiction are actually coming from inside each one of us.

What's a Shadow Alchemist?

Each one of us is a Shadow Alchemist. We work with what is coming up in each moment and then we transmute the shadow into the light which reveals the gift. The more and more light that we spread out into the world the less shadow we will see. Shadows can't exist in the Light.

New Moon in the Shadow of Half-Heartedness

This shadow pattern can make us fear making a mistake in our life or have us believe that we have already made a serious mistake in our life! This can create a flip-flopping back and...

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